Monday, September 01, 2008

Logwood Dyed Jacob Fleece

Two colors, I'm thinking about redying the lighter wool, haven't made up my mind yet. I have the black portion of the fleece in the dye vat can't wait to see what it looks like when it's done.


Laughingrat said...

Very beautiful! I nearly choked when you said, in your group post, that you have *95* more fleeces to go. Good lord, and I thought ten fleeces was a lot to have around! Heck, maybe I don't even have that many, maybe it just seems like ten because the bags are piled everywhere...

k baxter packwood said...

actually that's just the Jacob fleeces, I have more Lincoln (I think 3 whole fleeces), some Border Leiscter, several Romney's, one more Romney Targhee, one Romnedale, one Columbia, and about 25 Rambioullet's I need to finish cleaning and then get into the dye pots.

Some of it I'll sell to recoup my dye costs. The rest I will use for home projects like socks, sweaters and the like.