Thursday, March 09, 2006

As you can see I have added more stitching, in a few more colors. For some reason they just don't resonate the way I want them to at this point. I look at the piece and I know what it needs - more stitching - and then I think to myself "what was I thinking"??? Posted by Picasa


Maureen said...

I think you need a very little orange or yellow to spark this piece of embroidery up. Coming on nicely though.

Lois Jarvis said...

After looking at your close up picture I'd like to suggest that you bring some of those diagonal line onto the dark printed area to form a connection between the two areas. The one is heavily threaded and the other has no thread work. It does have diagonal line in the printing so it is a mark that would go well there.

k baxter packwood said...

Thank you for posting Lois, and Maureen I am adding some more orange, but not all at once.

I'm planning to add stitching and quillwork to the purple area, the quilled work will be added a bit later as I want to finish the bottom hand stitched portion first. Working on the bottom first is giving the piece more heft. I'll add some stitching to the top next as once I add the quills the piece won't be flexible enough to stitch anymore, further attempts would cause the quills to pop out of the background.

I have plenty of time with this piece, I'm in no hurry. I have about 15 minutes each day (before I go to bed actually) to work on the piece, so I have time to think about the stitching.

I am eagerly anticipating the spring grasses, I want to spin some up for this piece, maybe make some cordage as well. It's getting time to go comb the creek bottoms, before the spring rise, and see what's ou there!