In Progress: I'm still looking for a bone, sticks or something to top the piece off with, I'll get there eventually. So do ignore the white stick in the middle at the top of the piece I've since elimnated it from the design simply because it was too white.
What I've decided to do instead is wrap the copper nails with copper wire and horse hair and see where this takes me, I've plans to put a few beads on the copper wire to carry that from the quilted piece in the middle. My employee doesn't like the pine cone but I do so I guess it doesn't really matter now does it! Why do I like it? I like it's singularity. I like the fact that the pine cone, often thought of as dead by many is actually a seed, or many seeds to be correct.
The watches, don't know about the cemetaries in your area but clock faces seem to be quite popular in cemetaries around here.
And I should note that the blueish sticks on the inside of the piece are a very dark blue green, bordering on becoming black, now
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